Drawing with Stitch with Jane Caven on Saturday 8th November
Drawing with Stitch Workshop with Jane Caven
Saturday 8th November – 10 – 4pm – £50 – This workshop will explore some design elements and drawing techniques, with a view to creating a textile sample, which uses running stitch in a variety of ways.
In the first part of the workshop, I will show you some of my drawings, and the embroideries which have evolved from them. We will look at contrasting elements, composition, colour and texture. You will be offered drawing materials, textured paper and stencils to create your own design. You can then transfer your design onto fabric and begin ‘drawing’ with running stitch used in different ways, to create your own unique embroidered sample.
A little bit about Jane:
My recent body of work began with a series of drawings which were created after observing shadows of trees against buildings. I became fascinated by the bare branches of the trees which create interesting patterns on the various textural surfaces of buildings around the city [London and Coventry – where Inow lives. I noticed the natural designs created by shadows but also the ‘spaces’ in between. It is these areas that I ‘fill in’ using marks made by water soluble crayon. The colours merge in places – creating interesting textural shapes.
A recurring theme in my drawings and embroideries is that of the common and ‘ordinary’ birds that live amongst us – usually pigeons and crows.
I like to create tension in my images through the interplay of contrasting elements such as the swirling and static lines, and the bright and vibrant colours, against the black and also in some of the pieces – through the themes depicted – the natural world and city buildings.
A comment by a friend said that he thought that the drawings were reminiscent of embroidered textiles, which lead me on to begin making my collection of embroideries.
*Can be purchased at Poppy Patch
Availability: 12 in stock